Practical Theology 2021 Adult Theological Education Special Issue: Call for papers

Category: Uncategorized

Date: January 13, 2021

Each year one issue of the journal, Practical Theology, is devoted to Adult Theological Education. We welcome submissions relating to research into theological education in a range of contexts: e.g. in church communities, theological colleges/seminaries, lay education programmes. 
Given the extraordinary constraints within which theological education and church life has had to take place in the last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some colleagues may wish to explore the impact of online learning and gathering in relation to theological education and spiritual formation. 
Submissions of around 6,000 words need to be received by 16th April 2021 in order to be published in the Adult Theological Education issue planned for autumn 2021.
Please do contact the Guest Editor, Dr Eeva John ( if you have any questions or wish to explore possibilities.